EMC & The Aether

The Aether is the Source of all Energy, Matter & Motion.

  • E is the symbol for Energy (Emotional Love)
  • M is the Symbol for Matter (Physical Life)
  • C is the symbol for Motion (Mental Light)

Love, Light & Life are the three spiritual aspects of the Aether.

Energy, Matter & Motion are the three fundamental properties of the Aether. This allows the aether to be defined as a triune physical reality with:

  • Energy as the matter of motion
  • Motion as the energy of matter
  • Matter as the motion of energy

EMC is an acronym for Everything Materially Conceived. Everything materially conceived is manifest from the Aether. Aether Evolves THE Reality. It manifests conceptually as a Thought of a Conscious Mind.

The thought of a conscious mind evolves reality. Without a conscious mind, there is no thought and there is no reality. Everything in reality is, was and ever will be conceived with a thought from the mind of consciousness.

  • Consciousness is the Matter of a thoughtful mind
  • Mind is the Energy of conscious thought
  • Thought is the Motion (C) of a conscious mind

Mind is the energy of the Creator, Consciousness is the energy of the Creation and Thought is the energy of Creativity. The Aether is the Creative Potential of a Creator to Create a Creation.

  • Mental Thought is the Creator’s Energy (E)
  • Physical Experience is the Creation called Matter (M)
  • Emotional Feeling is Creative Energy in Motion (C)

EMC = Aether (The All of Everything in Creation)

The One Potential of a Creator is the Potential Creation of Everything from the Nothingness of the Oneness.