Genes, Memes & Moods (1)

Genes, Memes & Moods qualify the three aspects of our spiritual identity.

  • Genes identify our physicality
  • Memes identify our mentality
  • Moods identify our emotionality

All three are subject to viral transmission between people and are seen collectively as the identity of our racial or societal culture. Taken individually, they identify my personal identity as exclusively unique. Taken collectively they identify similar traits in personality, character and ethnicity.

Human Beings each have a choice of individual identity. Our individual identity is what makes us Individuals. A similar character or personality in our make up is seen as a collective culture, relative to how we each qualify our own spirituality.

Spirituality is the triune reality of our physical reality, mental reality and emotional reality. Each reality has a polarity, which can be physically experienced with either a positive or a negative mental perspective of what is considered to be right or wrong, or an emotional perception of what is felt to be good or bad.

  • Polarity is positive or negative
  • Genes are malignant or benign
  • Memes are right or wrong
  • Moods are good or bad
  • Experience is beneficial or detrimental

All three aspects of our spiritual identity have:

  • A polarity
  • The ability to be transmitted virally
  • The ability to mutate
  • The ability to evolve

A Virus is the physical manifestation of a viral mental programme or belief, transmitted on a wavelength of viral emotional feeling. With a negative perspective of viral activity, this can cause physical panic, mental fear & emotional trauma.

A good virus is a DNA protein that promotes the healthy ability of the body to function well. A bad virus is one that promotes physical illness, mental dis-ease and emotional discomfort in the body. A healthy body has the natural ability to detoxify or debug itself of any malignant viral cell debris and toxic DNA.

I can debug any unwanted viral mental memes by challenging and changing a fear or limiting belief for a personal truth that I consciously own. By changing the polarity of a meme from negative to positive, I instantly change my mood accordingly. Beliefs & feelings, memes & moods, are the frequency & wavelength of the same energy vibration. As I change one, the other automatically follows. As genes are the physical manifestation of memes & moods, at both the atomic and cellular levels of the body, they also change their polarity accordingly. The polarity of a gene is the direction of its vibrational energy vortex, not its physical spiral helix.

Spiritual identity identifies our energetic mental & emotional make-up, as well as our physical make-up. Our physical, mental & emotional characteristics manifest relative to the energetic genetic vibration of our spiritual blue-print.

  • A gene provides the ‘gen’ or information for our physical blue-print
  • A meme is a similar or same information or belief as other people concur with, as their mental blue-print
  • A mood is the individual & collective feelings that people share as their emotional blue-print

They are collectively, three aspects of our spiritual blue-print.