A Time-Line

A Time-Line is a journey of the Mind.

The Conscious Mind observes the present.

The Unconscious Mind reveals the past & the future.

The Sub-conscious Mind remembers the past.

The Super-Conscious Mind reveals the future.

A time-line aligns all three Minds.

It connects the past with the future & the future with the past.

My Soul exists in the Eternal Present.

My ego inhabits a reality in space-time.

A time-line is the journey of an ego’s life-time.

A life-time is a continuous reality in infinite space through eternal time.

It is countless moments of now in the endless gap of space that is creating a continuous flow of reality.

My sub-conscious memory is alert to the experience of the past.

My conscious mind is awake to the experience of the present.

My super-conscious mind is aware of the experience of the future.

All three minds align with space-time-reality.

A time-line in space is a reality of the sub-conscious mind created by the super-conscious mind that is experienced by the conscious mind.