The Missing E

In a 2 Dimensinal world, matter is relative to the motion of energy.

Energy is matter at the speed of light.

The speed of light is constant and it keeps the duality of matter & energy in a relative state.

As Einstein theorised: E = M C2

In a 3 Dimensional world: E = e m c2

The missing ‘e’ is the matter of energy in motion.

Energy in motion is called emotion.

Physical science has rationally omitted emotion from the equation.

It only studies the energy of motion when matter is in motion, not the motion of energy.

A 3 Dimensional Philosophy studies the spirituality of Everything.

It studies the motion of energy that creates matter and the Consciousness of Light, Life & Love in a Space-Time-Reality.

Everything in a 3D space-time-reality of Love, Light & Life equates to E = e m c2

In a Theory of Everything: E = Everything, e = energy, m = matter, c2 = motion

‘e’ is Love that is the energy of space and the power of emotion.

‘c2’ is Light that is the motion of time and the authority of mind.

‘m’ is Life that is the matter of reality and the ability of the body.

With e m c2: Everything becomes One and falls into place.

Even gravity becomes the spacial magnitude that with a magnetic force allows an electrical potential to flow.