The Ether or Aether

The Ether or the Aether, as the ancients called it, is the medium of space.

Ancient wisdom referred to the aether as the cosmic holon of existence.

It is the spiritual realm that exists above the physical realm of earth.

Nineteenth century science believed the ether to be the theoretical medium through which electro-magnetic waves travelled.

The ether is neither a cosmic holon nor an electro-magnetic medium but put simply, it is the energy of space.

It is a pure energy field from which matter is made manifest.

All matter has substance as a result of its manifestation from, through and in the ether.

The energy of the ether cannot be destroyed, it can only change its form.

Before it can change form, it is first formed from the ether.

As science could not physically detect the ether, it dropped it as a theory.

The ether is presently being rediscovered as a theory of dark matter & dark energy.