
Heaven, Utopia, Paradise, Shangri la, Nirvana, Xanadu, are all descriptions of a state of Being and do not exist as a place on Earth.

Heaven can be experienced anywhere on earth at any time by achieving a positively Divine state of Being, which is heavenly.

Heaven is a divine state of Being that can only be experienced by first journeying through the physical and spiritual dimensions of Earth.

Ist heaven is the spiritual dimension of Earth and is the duality of earth, as in heaven and earth.

The Soul exists in spiritual heaven and the Self is born into the physical realm of earth.

2nd heaven is the positive aspect of physical life on earth and is the duality of hell, as in heaven and hell. Hell is the negative aspect of physical life on earth.

We do not wait for our death to experience 2nd heaven or hell. They are perspectives that we choose to experience whilst alive in the physical world.

We experience hell on earth when we are unawakened to spirit. It is the death of Spirit that reveals a hell on earth for the unawakened self experiencing its fate.

3rd Heaven is our Destiny. It is the Realm of the Trinity of ‘threeness’, where all states of Being are Divine.

3rd Heaven can be experienced in physical form, whilst on our journey on Earth that we call Life.

To experience the bliss of 3rd Heaven, we are first challenged to overcome the duality of both 1st heaven & earth and 2nd heaven & hell.