
My disconnected ego has no distinction between sex & gender.

It sees gender as a choice between the masculine & feminine sexual characteristics.

Many languages teach us that gender is about the energy of a word, not its sexual meaning.

The gender of my thinking determines my beliefs.

The polarity of my beliefs determines my character.

The gender of my emotions determines my personality.

My Soul sees gender as a choice of individual personality.

I can choose to experience life with predominantly male energy, predominantly female energy or a balance of the two.

Personality is the reality of an individual person based on their choice of emotional energy that they choose to express.

I can choose to express my male energy and attract opposing female energy or I can choose to express my female energy and attract opposing male energy.

My Soul chooses for my Self to learn to harmonise & balance the yin & yang of my emotional energy to attract other souls with emotional energy that is neutrally harmonised on a similar path to my Self.