
Light is the frequency of Energy.

A Star emits Light in all frequencies of energy.

I can see light as the range of energy frequencies that are visible to the human eye.

Or I can see light as a complete spectrum of frequencies that energy can emit as its vibration.

I can see light as part of the electro-magnetic spectrum.

Or I can see Light as the complete spectrum with electro-magnetic (& gravitational) qualities.

Consciousness is Energy.

Light is the frequency of Consciousness.

At the frequency of visible light, human consciousness becomes conscious of its Self; it can see its Self.

Other forms of life become conscious of their Self at the frequencies of infra-red or ultra-violet light.

I become conscious of my televison programmes & my connection to the internet at Ultra & Very High Frequencies of radio waves.

I became conscious of listening to radio programmes at long, medium & short radio waves.

I become conscious of my skeleton in the x-ray frequencies and conscious of my food cooking at microwave frequencies of Light.

Light is the frequency of Life that allows Time to exist in Space as Reality.