Binary Code

Binary Code is the basic language of computers.

It is also the basic properties of a torus.

A torus represents the energetic motion of all matter.

The energetic motion of a torus determines the physicality of matter.

Binary Code is a One (1) or a Zero (0).

One is the energetic symbol for direction or polarity.

It symbolises the direction of orbit around the toroidal centre.

It can be forward or backward and seen as positive or negative.

Zero is the energetic symbol for orientation or gender.

It is the rotation of the toroid around its line of direction.

It can be clockwise or anti-clockwise and seen as male or female.

A three dimensional torus has a trinary code of a one (1), a zero (0) & a point (.).

The third dimension is the spin of the torus on its axis.

A point is the energetic symbol for flow or intensity.

This is the neutral balance point or its intensity of imbalance called its drama.