Life Force Energy

Life is an aspect of Universal Energy.

It is the experience of Love & Light.

Universal Energy has a Light force, which with a magnitude of Love allows the potential for Life.

The force of an energy vibration, relative to its magnitude, determines its potential for life.

Light is a force of Authority that has no Ability without a magnitude of Power.

Reiki is a light force that requires the emotional power of the practitioner to empower its potential for life healing.

It is not the symbols that empower reiki as an energy but the emotional state of being of the healer.

Will power is a life force energy that is not empowered with love.

The less love I have, the more I need to force life.

When I am inspired with the power of love, no will power is necessary.

With a magnitude of love, life has the potential to become effortless.

A magnitude of pure power always accompanies a force of true authority.

Following my true path with authority is the most empowering experience of life.