The World Is Full Of Energy

Gas & electric, petrol & diesel, wood & coal, food & water are all fuels.

They are matter and they do matter but they are not energy.

The Energy of our World is Reality.

The Energy of Space & Time determine our individual, unique & exclusive Reality in this World.

When my space is limited & my time is limited, I experience a limited reality.

In a continuous life, space is infinite, time is eternal & possibilities are endless.

A world full of energy has spirit.

Spirit is the energy of Life in this World.

The spiritual reality of energy is that it is a physicality with a mentality & an emotionality.

The emotional energy of Love is the power that connects to the mental energy of my Light that is the authority to experience the physical ability of my Life.

The creative energy of our world is Consciousness.

Consciousness creates the reality of our choice in a world that is full of creative energy.