Power & Force

Power & Force are gender opposites.

Power is a wavelength of female emotional energy.

Force is a frequency of male mental energy.

In a relative dual reality world, where energy is divided by gender, frequency & wavelength are inversely proportional.

Therefore, the more power I have the less force I require & the more force I apply, the less power I have.

Effortless power requires no external force & experiences no resistance.

An intense force of conviction is called will power but it has no power of its own.

The force of will is called effort.

When confronted by resistance, I have to make an effort.

The greater the conviction, the greater the resistance & the greater the effort required.

The Law of Reversed Effort employs emotional power instead of mental force.

The ego has a force of mental authority that is inversely proportionate to its magnitude of emotional power.

This means that the ego’s emotional state of being determines the magnitude of its power, not the force of its beliefs.

When the ego’s choice is relative to the Soul’s choice it is connected to the force of authority of the Soul’s power.