Earth, Water, Air & Fire

Earth, Water, Air & Fire are the four metaphysical or metaphorical elements, dimensions or aspects of spiritual energy:

  • Earth is the physical dimension of the corporeal body
  • Water is the mental dimension of the astral mind
  • Air is the emotional dimension of the ethereal heart
  • Fire is the spiritual dimension of the absolute soul

Earth, water, air & fire are the four initiations or baptisms into spirit:

  • The Initiation of Earth is a birth or re-incarnation into a physical body
  • The Baptism of Water signifies the initiation into a conscious mental experience of our mind
  • The Initiation of Air is an awakening to the awareness of our emotional energy and the power of positive states of being
  • The Baptism of Fire is the realisation of conscious-awareness, which initiates the presence of the Soul

Each initiation or baptism opens a new perspective and a New Dawn dawns with a new perception of personal reality:

  • From the physical perspective of the Earth, I am my physical body and life happens to me
    From the mental perspective of the conscious flow of thoughts from the mind, like water, I perceive that I have choice, I awaken to my own authority and life happens by me
    From the emotional perceptions of my heart-felt feelings, I am aware of the flow of air, wind or breath of life that truly empowers my Self, as I allow life to flow through me
    With the spiritual Vision of my Soul, I am alight with the fire of my creative energy, being authorised, empowered & enabled as a truly creative Spiritually Energetic Being

Earth, Water, Air & Fire are the four major signposts on a journey called Life.