Cognitive Resonance

Cognition is the mental process of knowing. It is how we recognise what is occurring in our life.

Resonance is the balance & harmony of an emotional experience, relative to our own energy vibration. It is how I feel about something relative to what I know or believe to be true.

Emotional Intelligence is defined as: ‘Knowing what feels good and therefore right for my Self’.

Rational cognition, called empirical knowledge, can be intellectually deemed to be right or wrong. A bad emotional feeling is an affect of cognitive dissonance, caused by a wrong intellectual belief.

Any personal belief that is limiting, resistant or fearful can be defined as intellectually wrong. When I intuitively see that I intuitively know what is right for me, as it intuitively feels good, I attain cognitive resonance with whatever I am both expressing & experiencing. When my three intuitive senses are in alignment, I am resonating cognitively and congruently with my own best choice.

I experience cognitive dissonance when my mental, intellectual choices are misaligned with my spiritually intuitive wisdom. My cognitive dissonance is experienced as either a physical problem to be solved or a spiritual lesson to be learned.

My cognitive resonance always allows a certain opportunity to be embraced. It allows me to be an expression of the truth of my Authentic Self. My cognitive reality, what I know to be real, determines the resonance or the dissonance of my actual experience of life.

  • My cognitive resonance allows the harmony, balance & accord of my authentic Self enjoying a beneficial experience of life
  • My cognitive dissonance is the affect of my chaotic & resistant entropy, being the result of my limiting beliefs & fears, which is causing my inability to make my own wise choices for my Self.

With cognitive resonance, I know just what is best for me and with cognitive dissonance, I just don’t.

  • Cognitive resonance is the perspective of the conscious ego Self in alignment with the super-conscious choices of the Soul.
  • Cognitive dissonance is the procrastination, prevarication and incompetent choices of an ego sense of self disconnected from its omniscient, all knowing & cogniscient Soul entity.

As a Golden Rule, I choose to resonate at the same level of cognition with others, which I choose for other people to cognitively resonate at: In compassion & empathy with each other and without the dissonance of either apathy or sympathy towards each other.