Charge Neutral

Every thought is a wave of energy.

Every wave of energy has a vibration.

Every vibration has a frequency & a wavelength.

In dual reality experience, every frequency of thought has a choice of polarity.

It can be positively charged or it can be negatively charged.

The positive or negative charge of a thought frequency is its polarity, often called its perspective or its attitude.

The balance between the positive & the negative polarity has a neutral charge.

A neutral charge has no intensity, whereas a negative charge can be very intense.

The potential of a thought energy is its neutral harmonious balance, not the intensity of its charge.

In dual reality experience every wavelength of emotion that accompanies each frequency of thought has a choice of male or female gender.

Gender is the orientation of my emotion based on the perspective of my perception.

To neutralise the potential of my charge, I am required to equalise the gender of my emotion as well as balancing the polarity of my thinking.

A neutral polarity with an equalised gender balances the intensity & neutralises the emotional charge.

Being charge neutral maximises the potential of my emotional state of being allowing the transmission of my thoughts with truth & clarity.