Physical Awakeness

Physical Awakeness is being conscious of my Consciousness.

Being physically awake is being conscious of my physical reality.

Being Consciously awake is being aware of my Spiritual Reality.

My Spiritual Consciousness is my Soul, my physical consciousness is my Self.

When my ego is unawakened to its spiritual source, it knows only the physical consciousness that is its own sense of self.

When the physical ego awakens, it becomes aware of its spiritual entity – the Soul.

A spirtually awakened Self knows that it is a spiritual Being having a physical experience.

An unawakened ego believes itself to be a physical being having a physical experience.

Physical awakeness allows presence of mind.

It allows the super-conscious Mind of the Soul to be present in each awakened moment.

The ego is no longer sleepwalking through a lost, confused & frustrated life.

With Physical Awakeness, I have the clarity & direction of my Presence of Mind.