Evolving Awareness

Awareness evolves through Consciousness.

In a relative dual reality, two dimensional duality of mind & body, consciousness & awareness are the same. I am aware of my consciousness but my awareness is unconscious. Unconscious awareness is the alertness of my sub-conscious mind, distinct from my conscious awakened Self.

My conscious perspective of my ego Self, is unaware of either the sub-conscious perceptions of my id or the super-conscious imagination of my entity. Ego, Id & Entity are the three dimensions or levels of my Soul’s conscious-awareness of its Self.

When I align the perspective of my awake ego sense of Self with the sub-conscious alertness of my id and the super-conscious awareness of my entity, I connect with my true Id-Entity, my Soul.

  • Instinct is my level of sub-conscious alertness
  • Intellect is my level of conscious awakeness
  • Intuition is my level of super-conscious awareness

It is not deemed intellectually reasonable to evolve the spiritual awareness of the super-conscious mind of a Soul Entity. Evolving awareness is not possible, whilst confined to just the rationally intelligent perspective of a conscious ego self.

I do not need to be physically awake to react with sub-conscious instinctive alertness. My survival depends on the sub-conscious mind being ever alert; even when the conscious mind is asleep.

  • My Id is alert
  • My Ego is awake
  • My Entity is aware

I consciously evolved my level of comfort & security with the need to take responsibility for myself, by my Self; whilst physically, consciously awake. I evolved from survival happens to me as an instinctive reaction, to using my rational conscious choice to ensure my continued safety & comfort, by my own intellectually intelligent responsibility.

Evolving intuitive awareness requires my new perspective, of life happening through me, in a certainly beneficial way; with the guidance & support of my super-conscious Soul. Evolving my awareness of my Entity is the essence of an expansive Soul.

I can only evolve my awareness, intuitively. An awareness of my Intuition is essential to the evolution of my Soul, through my Self. Through Self-Awareness, the Soul explores, discovers & experiences the True Identity of its Self.