Secure In The Knowledge

I will never be Secure In The Knowledge.

I am either secure or insecure due to my belief about my knowledge.

I am secure when I believe that I am.

I cause my own insecurity with my own knowledge or my own ignorance.

Security is a mental capacity.

With enough mental capacity I secure my security.

I either think that I am secure or I think that I am insecure depending on the knowledge that informs my belief.

When I know that I am secure, I am.

My knowing is intuitive, therefore my security is intuitive.

When I intuitively know I am secure, there is no doubt or insecurity.

My Inner Guide supports me.

When I know this and follow its guidance, I am assured and secure in my knowing.

When I know I am secure, I feel assured because I can see that all is well.

I am secure in the knowing, that when I am guided & supported, no external security is needed & no protection is required.

I never need protecting from a beneficial experience of life.

I am secure in that knowing.