Quietening my Mind

My Mind is always quiet.

My Mind is at peace.

It is not my Mind that I need to quieten but my thinking process.

My thinking process is carried out by my thinking processor – my brain.

Quietening my Mind means consciously managing my thinking.

I cannot turn off my Mind although I can become disconnected from my ‘higher’ Unconscious Mind and attached to the needs of my ‘lower’ sub-conscious mind.

I can turn down my thinking processor by learning the Art of Meditation.

Meditation quietens my mind by slowing down and turning off my thinking processor.

Ultimately the only way to have peaceful thoughts is to clear out all the conflicting beliefs that are running in my sub-conscious memory and influencing my thinking process and limiting my Clarity of Thought.

Clear Thoughts come from a Quiet Mind that resides in the Realm of my Soul, not in my brain.