
Libido is sexual drive or the drive to enjoy sexual intercourse.

The question is: What drives the sex drive?

When libido happens to me, I am at the mercy of my sex drive or my lack of libido.

My sub-conscious programming affects my experience.

My sex drive drives me to either ecstasy, boredom or frustration.

Libido never happens by me.

It is never under the conscious control of my ego Self.

The best I can manage is to suppress my sexual urges.

When libido happens through me, I allow my sex drive to flow unhindered & freely enjoy the journey & the experience.

My libido is my connection to my super-conscious potency that has the potential to connect me to my magnitude of omnipotent emotional power.

When I learn to use my unconscious competency wisely, I am able to freely express my libido as a true expression of who I really am.

I do freely is: lib-i-do. 

It is a true expression of free love and a free expression of true love that I share expansively & freely with my lover.