The Purpose Of Love

The Purpose of Love is to define emotional power.

The emotion of Love is the creative power of life.

The absence of love is the emotional need for power.

Desire without power is called lust.

A disempowering relationship  is called hate.

Competition without power leads to war.

When I use love as a noun, it is really a need.

When I use love as a verb, it is in opposition to who I really am.

When I use love as an adjective it describes how powerfully creative I am.

Adjective love describes who I am being, which either empowers or disempowers my Self.

Without love, there is no emotion.

Without emotion, I am disconnected from my creative power.

Without awareness, I am unaware of my creative power.

An awareness of emotional love connects me to my creative power.

Emotional intelligence allows an awareness of my creative power and the purpose of Love.

The purpose of Love is to share it in all its aspects, as an experience.