Three Aspects Of Love

Three Aspects of Love are:

Awareness, Emotion & Feeling.

Emotion is the Energy of Love.

Feeling is the Motion of Love.

Awareness is the Matter of Love.

The Energy of Love is a vibration of awareness that has a wavelength of emotion with a frequency of feeling.

Feeling an awareness of emotion is the prerequisite for Emotional Intelligence.

Intuitive feeling is how I connect to my awareness of emotional love.

An intuitive feeling is an emotional awareness of the Soul’s love for its Self.

An emotional feeling is the ego’s awareness of its Self.

Intuitive awareness is the Self in alignment with the Soul.

Pure energy in motion is a matter of emotionally feeling an awareness of the Soul.

Impure energy in motion is the personal perception of a disconnected ego.

An awareness of emotional feeling connects my Self with the power of pure Love, that is my Soul.