Aspects of Love

Every different emotional state of being is an aspect of Love.

All aspects of Love are adjective and defined with an adjective.

Love is a word that is rarely used in its truest context. The word love is mostly used as a general term to describe a single aspect of Love.

We use the word love to describe what we like most and hate least.

We use the word love to describe what we need most.

We use the word love to describe what we need emotionally as opposed to what we lust after or desire physically.

We use the word love to describe what we believe is good for us as opposed to what is bad for us and we fear experiencing further.

It has been said that there are only two emotions – love and fear. In absolute reality there is only the emotion of Love. In relative dual reality, love has an opposing polarity of fear.

The higher our vibration the more positive is our emotion and the lower our vibration the more negative fearful beliefs we hold to be true.

All aspects of Love are defined by their polarity (positive or negative), their gender (male or female), and their intensity (high and hot or low and cold).

As the gender, polarity and intensity of our emotions change, we experience a different aspect of the One Absolute Emotion of Love.

Aspects of Love are determined by our perception of emotion and our perspective of thought. We create our own reality and the reality of what we create is experienced through the whole spectrum of different aspects of Love.