
Platonic means in alignment with the philosophy of Plato.

Plato was an Ancient Greek Lover of Wisdom who was exclusively connected to his Soul.

Plato believed in the Wisdom and Truth of Love.

When our Love has Wisdom & Truth, it is Pure and Divine, and our Power has full Authority.

Divine Love has no division, no separation and no duality.

Human love when divided by gender is expressed as either lust or emotional need, and when divided by polarity is expressed as either love or hate.

Platonic Love is neither male sexual lust or female romantic sensual need.

Platonic Love is neither loving to want and own, which is envy, nor liking whatever is seen as good and kind, or hating whatever is seen as bad and evil, which is unkindness.

Human love is a passion that we want and need, desire and lust after, when we are disconnected from our True Source of Power, which is the Platonic Love of our Soul for our Self.

Platonic Love translates as an unconditional sharing of our own Personal Power with another who is unconditionally connected to their own Personal Power and Authority.

A Truly Platonic Union is an interdevelopmental relationship of Being ‘Together in Togetherness’.