Pure Sex

Pure Sex is an oxymoron.

There is no such thing as pure sex.

Sex is the male energy of a loving partnership.

Whenever Love is divided by gender it is no longer pure.

Love is pure Agape when both the male & female energy is present.

Sex is not about achieving a physical act although there may be an emotional need to achieve satisfaction.

When a person needs sex, they need the benefit of the emotional energy that is received from having sex, not the physical act.

Whether two sexual partners are in connection & unity depends on whether they are expressing their male energy, expressing their female energy or they are combining the two harmoniously.

Sex is satisfactory when it meets the emotional needs of both partners and it is unsatisfactory when it does not.

A relationship that is sharing only one gender of energy, be it male or female, may make a good friendship but it is not sexual and it is not harmoniously in balance.