"In Due Course"

“In due course” means waiting for my fate.

In due course I will realise my fate.

My fate is the creation of my fears, false beliefs and emotional needs that create the future dramas in my life that I am fated to experience.

It is only a matter of time before what we think and believe becomes our reality.

Whatever we think, speak and put into action, will in due course become our reality.

There is always a price to pay when we follow our fate and these are called our ‘dues’.

We pay our dues as a consequence of following the course of our fate.

In due course our dues become due and we have no choice but to pay with our life.

In due course is ‘of course’ a certainty, ‘be cause’ we cause everything to be as the realisation of our thoughts, words and intentions.

Our fate will run its course by default.

With due diligence we can choose the course of our destiny.

The course of our destiny is effortless flow, once we learn to cause it to happen with conscious-awareness.

Once ‘on course’ we are ‘on track’ and following our ‘life path’.

The course we are due to follow is our personal vision, mission and purpose in Life.