"7 Limiting Beliefs"

The belief that “life has rules” creates death.

Knowing the rules, ‘the right way’, is pride.

For the sake of our pride, we need to be right.

The belief that “we have no choice” creates hunger.

Wanting what someone else has chosen is envy.

For the sake of our envy, we need freedom to choose.

The belief that “there is not enough” creates poverty.

Wanting more than enough is gluttony.

For the sake of our gluttony, we need to feel comfortable and safe.

The belief that “love is not the way” creates war.

Taking what ever we want is lust.

For the sake of our lust, we need to feel loved.

The belief that “we are not all equal” creates racism.

Being superior to others is greed.

For the sake of our greed, we need to win.

The belief that “there is only one reality” creates ignorance.

Directing others on the wrong path is wrath.

For the sake of our wrath, we need to be acknowledged.

The belief that “we are victims of our fate” creates sickness.

Being a victim of life is sloth.

For the sake of our sloth, we need to achieve.