Can’t See The Wood For The Trees

When I can’t see the wood for the trees, I am lost in duality.

I am confused with a wood full of trees & trees full of wood.

I see trees made of wood & woods made of trees.

I need a third way out of the forest.

When I see a forest full of trees full of wood, I clarify my perspective and overcome the duality.

My lower forest floor perspective sees wood & trees in a forest.

My higher aerial perspective sees a forest full of trees made of wood and a path in & out of the woods.

Unless I am able to maintain my higher perspective, I can easily become lost in the forest.

The woods & trees of the forest are synonymous with the duality of physical life.

When I venture into the relative world of dual reality, I am liable to get lost & confused unless I maintain a higher perspective of my life that allows my clarity & direction.