
Striving means working hard to achieve an objective.

I am forced to work hard to overcome a duality.

Any extreme of a duality creates a resistance to the natural flow of life.

I strive to move against the flow.

Striving against the flow is hard work.

When I flow effortlessly with life, no striving is needed.

I strive for perfection, when I see only the imperfections of life.

I strive to make a living, when I believe that nothing comes without hard work.

I strive for success, when I see only failure in life.

I strive to move forward, when I am facing in the wrong direction.

On my appointed path in life, there is balance & flow.

I do not strive for balance & flow, I attain them.

When I strive to attain balance & flow, I achieve only resistance.

When I attribute balance & flow to my Self, there is no need for striving.