Fear Is not Good for Me

Many people have been led to believe that fear is good for you.

They have been taught that fear is good because it keeps you safe.

They believe that fear keeps you safe from fear, which of course is a nonsense.

Fear acts as a boundary to the full experience of life.

It is a personal prison cell of one’s own creation.

Locking one’s Self within the security of a prison cell doesn’t make fear go away but just allows a false belief of being safe from anything outside of your sanitised environment.

There is no such thing as a good fear.

Whatever I perceive as good holds no fear for me.

Whatever I fear, I attract into my reality, which is not good for me.

Fear is a creation of my own belief system.

The only power that my fear has is the power of my conviction in my belief.

I have the authority to empower my beliefs and I have the power to authorise my fears by believing them to be good.