Pure Colour

Colour is a property of light.

Light is an electro-magnetic energy wave.

The frequency of a light wave determines its colour.

The absence of light is black or no visible colour.

The presence of all colours is white or pure light.

White is the observation of all three primary colours being in balance.

The three primary wavelengths of red, blue & yellow combine in an infinite variety of ways to provide a broad palette of colours.

The intensity of a colour determines its shade.

The gender of a colour is called its tint.

The polarity of a colour is called its hue.

Hues, tints & shades are created by the intensity, gender & polarity of the frequency of a light ray.

Different hues, tints & shades are obtained by changing the property of light.

Different hue, tints & shades of emotion are created by changing the gender, polarity & intensity of our thoughts.

Thought is an electro-magnetic energy wave.

Pure colour is reflected & refracted in a rainbow.

It is a promise of the purity of life expressed through the purity of our thought.