Human Potential

Human Potential is the physical ability to emotionally experience, mental choice.

Mental choice is relative to personal force of authority, and emotional experience is relative to personal magnitude of power.

Human potential is relative to mental authority, called choice, and emotional power, called experience. All Human Beings have the potential to choose their own personal experience, in a physical reality called life.

When either mental authority or emotional power are either limited or compromised, human potential is either limited or compromised. When mental authority is compromised, choice is restricted. When I defer my authority to another’s choice, I compromise the potential of my emotional experience.

When mental choice is limited, emotional experience is compromised. When emotional experience is compromised, emotional power is limited. When emotional power is limited , mental authority is limited and personal choice is compromised.

This is the downward spiral of diminishing personal power & authority and a restriction of personal choice of experience. When our personal choice of experience is limited by our compromised power & authority, our human potential remains unfulfilled.

Our Potential is to spiral upwards on a journey of expansive growth & fulfilment. There is no limit to the growth of human potential, other than the limitations that humans impose on their own experience of life.

There is no limit on personal mental choice, other than the limits of our own mental capacity to choose.

There is no limit to human emotional experience, other than the limits of our own emotional competence to experience.

In a rationally logical, intellectually intelligent society, emotion is believed to be irrational. Giving emotional experience a negative perception, causes a society to become insensitive to others, spiritually disconnected, feeling unemotional, socially inclusive & emotionally attached. From a spiritual perspective, this is a very irrational state of being.

An emotionally intelligent choice of positive emotional experiences is my perceived preference. Being sensitive to others, spiritually connected to source, exclusively choosing my own path and detached from other people’s dramas, is my rational choice of preference.

Rating my positive emotional experiences, requires my emotional intelligence to be in co-operation with my rational intellect. This allows my conscious-awareness of my own mental choice of emotional experience.

This is my potential and the Potential of all Human Beings.

Personal spiritual development and growth allows our human potential to be personally realised and individually fulfilled.