
Evolution is not a theory, it is a purpose.

The purpose of evolution is the expansive growth of the Soul.

Physical creatures evolve over time to facilitate the evolution of the consciousness that created them.

The reason that physical species of life change very little over time is that they are already perfectly suited for the evolution of their Soul.

The path of evolution starts by attaining a level of survival, followed by a level of comfort & security, before expansive spiritual growth can be realised & experienced.

The reality is that we are required to attain a level of mastery of this earthly environment in order to comfortably survive here and fulfil our purpose of expansive spiritual growth.

Spiritual evolution is our purpose, not physical evolvement.

The human race has evolved to the present day to allow just that potential to be realised.

Any future physical change or evolvement will be the choice of my highest consciousness to allow my expansive spiritual growth to be continuous.

Evolution is spiritual growth.

Evolvement is what evolution requires of a physical body to be fit for purpose..