The Human Race

The Human Race is in a race to get nowhere, fast. The reality appears to be; the faster we go, the less time that we have and the less time we have, the faster we believe that we need to go. We are in a human race against time.

We believe that we are born into a human race, that there is only one race and at the finish line, we die. We believe that the race ends when we die and we can finally rest in peace. We are in a race to our death, in which nobody wants to die first and everyone wants to win the race. The problem is that we don’t know how to win the race.

The first prize for getting ahead is a merit award called pride and a monetary award called riches. We are very proud of the riches that we accumulate and proudly prize. We are proud to be rich because then, we stand out as being ahead in the race.

The most successful winners in life, often lose their life early. Winners & losers are a duality of human perspective. With no clear picture of how to win the race, no one is really sure whether they are winners or losers. The losers of the human race, lose because they are lost. They are lost because they have no clear and present direction in which to run their race. Ironically, other people only see them as winners after they have lost their life and can no longer compete.

We all lose to each other, when we compete with each other for emotional power. When I am lost & confused, disempowered and tired of running, I need to compete with other people for their emotional energy. Life is a competition where the winner uses other people’s emotional energy to win the race to get ahead. This is called greed. I get ahead in the race by being greedy because that makes other people needy & losers.

In the absence of emotional intelligence, we adopt the belief that money is power and we all compete for the prize money on offer in life. In the race to become wealthy, the rich are declared winners and the poor are declared to be the losers. As the rules are written by the winners, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

The purpose of the Human Race appears to be to get rich, in a land of opportunity. The rich have discovered that the only benefit to being rich is the power that it gives you over other people. The rich believe that the true winners in life are those that have the power over those that appear to be in authority.

The current state of play is that the winners of a democratic election, with the authority to govern the non elected losers, actually do not have any power. The power of the human race is currently money, or currency, which is owned, printed and controlled by the owners of our Central Banks, not the Governments of the Sovereign States.

Our elected Governments play the role of being in Authority and appear to choose the rules of the Race. They Marshall the competitors and police the course to ensure their policies are carried out and nobody is seen to cheat; but they are not the Race Organisers.

The Organisers of the Human Race are the sponsors who determine the prize money for the winners of the Race. The winners in the Human Race are neither the competitors nor the supervisors, but the sponsors of the race. It is the Race Organisers who have the final say in how the race is run and who really wins.

The Human Race is a collective Organic System that is organised by an Organiser. Everyone else is the Organ Grinders Monkey. To understand the purpose of the Human Race requires the perspective of the Race Organiser.

Who is organising the Human Race and what is their perspective?