When Life Happens By Me

When Life Happens By Me:

I make up my own mind.

My sub-conscious mind is programmed to guide me as it holds my memory of past experiences.

I initiate what happens in my life.

It should in principle be moral, ethical & legal.

This is my fate.

I discern what I believe to be right or wrong for me.

I try to meet the challenges in my life.

Positive thinking helps me compete to win.

I fail a challenge when I run out of emotional energy.

I am a competitor and a fighter.

I form attachments to raise my emotional energy.

I talk less and I learn to listen to other people.

I participate in life to my own standards and deadlines.

I have strong boundaries.

I am following my ego’s choice of authority.

My cup is half full and I respond accordingly.

I live life at my pace and often run out of time to do the things that I believe I should, I must, I ought to & I have to do.

I believe that life will conform to my wishes but my wish is just a belief.