Humble, Humility, Modest, At One

When life happens to me I am humble.

As a victim of life, I tolerate whatever turns up with a humble demeanor.

I am an inferior creation of a superior creator.

When life happens by me, I have humility.

I can choose to be proud of what I make happen or choose the false pride of humility.

I am striving to climb the ladder of success..

When life happens through me, I am modest.

Modesty is the best way.

The best way is to see that strife & superiority are driven by my belief that I am inferior.

The modest way is to see all others as potentially equal to me.

When life happens as me, I am at one.

I am at one with God, at one with life, at one with my Self and at one with all people.

Modesty, humility & humbleness are how I relate when I am apart from my true Self.

Being at one is the atonement of who I really am.