Reactive, Responsible, Responseable, Creative

When life happens to me, I am reactive.

I react to whatever I am not expecting in either a positive or a negative way.

I react either with surprise or anger.

My emotional energy level, relative to the attitude of my perspective, determines my reaction.

When life happens by me, I am responsible.

I always respond in a responsible way.

I am responsible for the duties that I am trusted with.

I am liable, accountable & answerable for that which I am responsible.

I take my responsibilities seriously.

When life happens through me, I am responseable.

My response to any situation is enabled.

I am able to respond with power & authority in a beneficial way.

I allow, accept & approve every situation that occurs as a signpost, an opportunity or a gift.

When life happens as me, I am creative.

Everything that happens is of my own creation.

Every creative action supports my ideal life.

My ideal life is being consciously & actively created as a true expression of who I really am.