Good, Right, Positive, Perfect

When life happens to me it can be good.

In actuality, it is often bad.

Good & bad is a matter of luck.

Either good luck or bad luck happens to me.

Being a victim of my misfortune is not good as my cup is empty.

When life happens by me, I can be right.

In actuality, I am often wrong.

I continually try to get it right but my cup is half empty.

 I continue to fail until I succeed.

I believe that my way is right but I need to find the right way.

When life happens through me, it is always positive.

Life is a positive experience and my cup is half full.

I know that all negative experiences are caused by my Self.

They never happen through me.

When my life is not positive, I know that I am blocking my own path.

When life happens as me, it is perfect.

I am creating my own perfect life with a cup that is full.

Life is ideal and there is no reason to create anything other than a perfect idyll in life.