Beneficiary & Benefactor

When life happens to me, I am the victim of whatever is occurring.

Life is an accident waiting to happen.

Lucky incidents are overshadowed by unlucky accidents.

When life happens by me, I am the villain of the piece.

I am the cause of my own victimhood.

I am to blame for whatever I cause to happen.

I am my own worst enemy.

When life happens through me, I am the Beneficiary.

I inherit every opportunity for life.

My life is an opportunity to benefit.

I benefit from every beneficial experience.

Every experience is beneficial.

When life happens as me, I am the Benefactor.

I am the Provider, the Supporter & the Inner Guide.

I am the Creator of every beneficial experience.

I create every experience to be beneficial.

I cannot be the victim of a Benefactor.

I cannot be a beneficial villain.

I cannot be the Beneficiary of an accident.

I am the Beneficiary of a beneficial Benefactor.