Passing Through Life

Passing Through Life is a perspective.

When life happens through me, I see my Self as passing through life.

I pass in & out of physical life every day & every night.

I pass on at the end of my journey called life.

I am living my journey of life with an open minded perspective.

When I try to avoid the journey, life happens to me in a way that is not always to my liking.

When I try to conduct the journey, I can get very lost, confused & frustrated.

Life is a passing experience in time-space-reality.

It is a reality that passes through space on the passage of time.

I pass through space & I pass through time to enable different experiences of life to pass through me.

Life is a real journey of experience that I accept as beneficial, I approve as divine and I allow to flow effortlessly through me.

Effortlessly passing through life is a divine experience once I perceive it to be so.