Life Goes On

Life is a Creation of Consciousness.

Consciousness is Energy.

Energy is never destroyed, it just changes form.

Life is the medium through which Consciousness evolves.

Evolution is an ongoing process of life.

The evolution of Man as a species has taken many individual life-times.

The evolution of the Soul goes on through these many different life-times.

A life-time in space-time-reality is finite.

Yet space is infinite, time is eternal & life is ongoing.

A definite life in a definite space & time allows a definite reality.

Life goes on sequentially.

Reality is the consequence of the conscious experience of life in space & time.

It is an energy that changes in space & time as life goes on.

The Soul evolves its reality through each life-time in space.

That life goes on, is not a choice.

When, where, what, why, & how life goes on are all choices that the Soul makes for its Self to experience who it Is.

Life goes on through endless journeys of existence to enable the Consciousness that is the Soul to explore, experience & discover its Self.