A Journey of A, B or C

A Journey from A to B is from where I am now to where I want to be.

This is a journey that I choose to make happen by my Self.

When life is happening to me, I am stuck with the experience and there is no journey.

When I start the journey, I move from life happens to me, to life happens by me.

I then experience the reality that I do not always get to where I want to be.

I see (c), I’m not at be (b).

I’m not at be, when the doing is more important than the being, you see.

My journey then becomes a journey of who I need to be, rather than a journey of what I need to do.

Where I want to Be becomes the attainment of a state of being instead of a place or an objective.

When I am not being who I really am, I get to see (c) that I’m not at Be (b).

I get lost, confused & frustrated when I cannot see why I am all at sea, at C.

When I see at C is where I really want to be, I get the purpose of my journey.

When I allow life to effortlessly flow through me, I see that I am always where I want to be.

The journey of A-B-C is: Life happens to me – Life happens by me – Life happens through me.