Life Is A Project

Life is a Project, when I allow it to be.

When life happens to me, I am subjected to it.

When life happens by me, I have objectives to achieve, attain or accomplish.

When life happens through me, I allow the project to unfold.

My life is projected before me, to realise & experience.

Life is a three dimensional projection of reality in a matrix of possibilities.

How I project my reality is my project.

When life happens as me, I am the project director & I am the projector operator.

I direct the project & I project the project in the direction of my choice.

I choose the subject of my project & I choose the objective of my project.

The subject of my project is my vision.

The objective of my project is my purpose.

The project, and my mission in life, is to align my vision & my purpose.

Fulfilling my project has true value for me.

My life project is to fulfil my destiny.