
Participation is a Party in Cipation.

Cipation is being in the flow.

I participate in the flow with a party of people.

I join a party of people in the flow of life.

I flow with life when I participate with other people.

Life is designed to be a party.

I take part in life when I participate.

I can participate in life as a spectator.

As a spectator, the party happens to me.

I can participate in life as a participant.

As a participant, the party happens by me.

I can participate in life as an observer.

As an observer, life happens through me.

I can participate as the creator.

As the creator, life happens as me.

I have chosen to participate in life.

How I participate in life is my choice.

I can choose to flow with life or resist it.

I can choose to be a spectator, a participant, an observer or the creator of my own life.