Reality, Nature & Life

The Reality of Nature is called the Weather.

This is the study of the emotional or meteorological nature of the Earth.

The Life of Nature is called Biology or Botany.

This is the study of the animals & plants that inhabit the Earth or Natural World.

The Reality of Life is called Science.

It is the chemistry of the physical nature of the World.

The Nature of Reality is relative to Space & Time.

Infinite Space & eternal Time allow the experience of a continuous Reality.

The Nature of Life is relative to Love & Light.

The potential nature of life is equal to the force of light & the magnitude of love that is being expressed.

The Life of Reality is called a life-time.

It is an individual, unique & exclusive path of personal choice from birth to death & incarnation to incarnation.

The Reality of the Nature of Life is an open book of blank sheets of paper with infinite possibilities of fulfilment.