The Metaphor Of The Bull

My belief about life determines my experience of life.

My experience of life echoes my experience with a Bull.

When I am afraid of life, I get bullied.

When I run from life, the bull will chase me.

When life happens to me, the bull is the villain & I am its victim.

When life happens by me, I lead the bull by the nose.

I put a ring through its nose & lead it into tame submission.

The victim of life becomes the bully of the bull.

When life happens through me, I take the bull by the horns.

I confront my fears & demons as I see my truth in the bull’s eyes that neither is the victim nor the villain.

I hit the bull’s eye in life.

I connect with the bull, my inner heart centre, and score a direct hit with my life.

When I learn to live in peace, I leave the bull in peace to fulfil it’s own purpose in life.