Life Happens As Me

Life Happens As Me is a personal perspective of how my life occurs to me.

Life happens as Me when I am the creator of my own reality. When I realise that I do, in thought, word & deed, create my own reality, then that becomes my perspective.

My perspective of reality is what I am always creating. I create life as I see life to be and I experience life as the creation of my perspective.

When life happens as me, I see my Self as the Creator of my experience of life. When I see life as a continuous experience of beneficial opportunities that I am creating for my Self, then life is actually happening as me.

When I experience life as a series of beneficial opportunities, I have faith in my Self as the Creator. When life is a challenge, I see myself as a creation of a Creator. The Creator created me to learn the lessons required to overcome the challenges of life.

When I see life as flowing through me, I allow my Self to meet my challenges.

When I see life as happening by me, I will fail the challenges when I run out of emotional power.

When I see life as happening to me, I see all the problems that life has created for me to solve and I blame other people for all the problems in my life.

When I believe that life happens by me is my best solution, I try to find solutions to all the problems that I am experiencing in life. Letting go of problems and becoming problem free, allows me to see the challenges of life as beneficial lessons to be learned.

When life happens as me, there are no problems to be solved, there are no challenges to be met, there are no lessons to be learned, there is just a continuous opportunity to experience my ideal life.

Creating an ideal life, bringing heaven to earth requires that I am the Creator of my own Ideal Heaven on Earth Experience. When I am the Creator, I deal my ideal life for my Self and life happens as me. From my perspective, Heaven on Earth is my creation of my ideal life in physical form. As the creator of my own reality, why would I choose to come into physical form to experience a life that is less than ideal.

When life happens as me, I realise that I am also the creator of my own experience of hell on Earth. I realise that when I play with the fire of creative ability, I can get burnt. When I burn myself, I realise that life is happening to me, in a way that I do not consciously choose it to.

As the Creator of my own experience, I can always choose to choose a better choice. By me is better than to me, through me is better than by me and as me is better than through me.

My life happens in alignment with my choice. My perspective of choice manifests as my personal experience of reality.

When life happens as me, it occurs to me that I am, and always have been, the creator of my own experience of reality.