Mastery & Slavery

Mastery & Slavery, like master & slave, is a duality.

Slavery is the inability to master freedom of choice.

Mastery is the ability to make choices for other people.

Mastery requires and utilises greed and gluttony.

Slavery requires and utilises humbleness and poverty.

Attempting to master my slavery will only result in becoming a slave to my path of mastery.

It is not my purpose to master physical life but to live and experience it.

It is not my purpose to be a slave to my physical existence but to discover and explore it.

I have an individual, unique and exclusive path that I have chosen to follow.

It is the belief that there is only one path that will make me either a slave to, or a master of, that path.

I follow my own path with equanimity, choice and contentment.

I am a slave to neither another’s path nor my own.

Life Mastery is the process of overcoming the duality of slavery and mastery, so that I am neither a slave to my own ego nor the master of my own ego.

It is about overcoming the duality of physical and spiritual existence by attaining a degree of Mastery of Life.