Personal Ascension

Personal Ascension is the transition of the Self from one dimension of reality to another level of consciousness.

The greater the evolution of an individual Soul, the higher the level of consciousness that is attained.

My Soul has currently attained the level of 2 dimensional consciousness that allows my experience of a 3 dimensional reality.

It is through the exploration and discovery of this 3 dimensional reality that my Soul may eventually ascend to a 3 dimensional consciousness that has mastered 3 dimensional reality.

Reality is multidimensional.

The eternal journey of my Soul is to explore experience and discover new dimensions of reality.

The incarnation of my Self into the life of a particular dimensional reality is essential to the process of spiritual development and growth.

It is not my Self that ascends. It is my Self that facilitates the experience that allows my Soul to ascend to a higher consciousness, plane of learning, and dimension of reality.

It is the work and service of my individuated Self that allows the attainment necessary for the Ascension of the Soul on its Eternal Journey.