Three Perspectives of Life

I have a choice between Three Perspectives of Life:

  • The perspective of others
  • The perspective of my Self
  • The perspective of my Soul

I require the perspective and the authority of others to learn my ability as a baby or a Novice.

I require the perspective and the ability of my Self to learn my own authority as an adolescent or a Student.

I require the perspective and the authority of my Soul to learn the power of an adult or a Master.

I cannot learn to own my own authority until I have gained sufficient ability by learning from others.

I cannot learn to master my own power until I have learned to own my own authority.

Under my own authority, I attain the ability to connect to my Soul’s perspective of life.

From the perspective of my Self, I have authority but no power.

Connecting to the power of my Soul requires the perspective of my Soul.

My Soul’s perspective of life requires the intuitive senses of my Self to be active.